Women Composers Project - five years of composers

The West Australian REVIEW: Talents Bloom in Moana Hall, Perth
A string quartet plays atmospheric sketches of woodland and open air while a painter etches an image on a red canvas.
Dabs of paint reflect shimmering harmonics and gently rhythmic pizzicato, creating an impression of sound just as a reviewer’s pen or a recording device seeks to capture the moment.

Tea Break is a Winner!!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Tea Break at FRINGE WORLD Festival 2022! We had such an amazing time and hope you did too!
It was an amazing feeling to give our last show to a sold out crowd ☕

Pelican REVIEW: Tea Break fuses classical skill with new ideas.

Reactions to Tea Break

Tea Break blends chamber music and a cup of cha
Thank you to David Cusworth for this feature, we're so excited about our show Tea Break at FRINGE WORLD Festival 2022!! If you'd like to find out more about how this concert came about, or how we'll be combining music and tea on the day, have a read

‘Tea Break’: Music infuses with the history of tea this Fringe World


2022 Orchestral Seasons Stats
Breaking down orchestra seasons into stats is something many researchers and organisations have been doing over the years. It is particularly useful for tracking cultural trends and gender diversity.

IAWM Journal Article
The article below was published in the Fall Issue of the Journal of the International Alliance for Women in Music (Vol 27, No. 2, 2021)
The IAWM is the world’s leading organization devoted to the equity, promotion, and advocacy of women in music across time, cultures, and genres.

Seesaw Mag REVIEW: Fresh breeze blows labels out the door
Check out the review by SeeSaw magazine

Isolated Nation INTERVIEW: Meet Tenth Muse Initiative, Breathing Fresh Air Into the Arts Scene
Check out our interview in Isolated Nation

The Post - Whoa! Tenth Muse a Fresh Blast!

MEDIA RELEASE: Breathing fresh air into Perth's classical music scene

Cut Common Features
Links to the two Cut Common interviews

do we actually need to do this? - a message from saskia

Australian Cultural Fund Campaign

MEDIA RELEASE: Revealing the Ugly Beauty of Pauline Viardot
Media release for Ugly Beauty, Tenth Muse Initiative’s first concert of 2021, celebrating 200 years since the birth of Pauline Viardot.